Monday 3 March 2008

Ever wanted to walk all over Robbie?

Well here's your chance, if u can afford a flight to China that is!

EMI has announced that it will be sending over 1million copies of Robbie William's latest album Rudebox to China to be crushed and used for road surfacing.
The album which sold only 500,000 copies in the UK was a huge dissapointment when it was released in 2006 so the decision was made to get rid of the leftovers to make some more money for EMI.
The record company is facing huge financial hardship at the moment and has just announced plans to axe 2000 jobs after losing £263 million in 2007.
EMI is of course blaming the Internet and illegal downloads for it's current problems, and plans to cut it's workforce by almost a third. But some people think that this is unfair. Graham Jones thinks it's as simple as the music bosses not knowing what a modern audience want.
It's deffinatly bad news for "Blobbie Williams" though who has completely slipped in to the shadows in the past year and is once again becoming a source of ridicule to the British media.

1 comment:

Naomi Stafford said...

It is the final kick in the teeth for Robbie Williams who is now havinh his albums crushed and used for road surfacing in China. It once again demostrates how the British media can turn a once pop satr into a laughing stock. It mirrors the decline of the once famous for the right reasons Britney Spears who is more famous then ever but for all the wrong reasons.