Monday 3 March 2008

Baftas, hit or miss?

The morning after the night before and the dresses are being questioned, the acceptance speeches picked through and the rumours are flying about celebrity's dates but it's the BBC that is really being scrutinized after last night's British Academy Awards.

Last nite's ceremony may have proved that British cinema can happily stand alongside Hollywood but the televising of the ceremony was certainly not worthy of LA la land.

Although it had the glamourous frocks and more stars than you could count the Baftas somehow lacked the sparkle of an American awards show, and with the loss of the grammies and the possiblity of the Oscar's being cancelled this is something the BBC should have taken advantage of!

Stephen Brook manages to list 7 "blunders" that the BBC made, not very good for a programme meant to be showcasing our excellence in the arts!

So how did Britain actually do?

All hopes were pinned on Atonement, and it certianly did us proud when it came to the nominations, featuring in almost every catagory but the 14 nominations dissapointingly only gave us 2 wins!

We had high hopes this year, but a bit like the BBC's production we were left with mainly dissapointment.

Ah well there's always next year, and we're British, we're good at waiting!

Full list of winners and nominations

1 comment:

Naomi Stafford said...

Why is it that British films are always nomianted for Baftas but never receive any? Atonment a great film nominated for 14 but only picked up 2 Baftas.It was a French film that came out best on the night,not that any one has seen or even heard of it. Another great night for the British film industry.